Saturday, July 10, 2010

Spark! Come on Baby, Light my Fire....

Book 36, The Spark!

Book 36, y'all! And you can tell from the title I'm changing up the format a bit.  I thought the book number and title might be getting a little boring. Since this is the first post of July, I thought it was a good time to mix it up a bit.

Anyway, I actually finished Spark! over a week ago.  I debated about even blogging it, and finally decided that I spent the time listening to it, I should blog it.  Why the deliberation?  I listened to it as part of a program I'm doing to eat healthier and work out more.  Some of my co-workers told me about the Spark People website, that lets you track what you eat and how you work out, helping you work towards your goals. The Spark! is the book by the program's creator.

It explains the first four weeks of the program, gives you his back story, and some inspiring vignettes from people who have been successful on the Spark People program.  It's a quick read. The audiobook was only about four hours, unabridged.

It was interesting- didn't tell me a lot that I didn't already know.  That being said, I am sure there are some people who would find it very inspiring.  I wouldn't read this one, though, unless you're doing or considering the Spark People program.

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